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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Birth As We Know It

I just watched another inpirational birth video last night which I ordered from www.birthasweknowit.com. It was quite a beautiful video with lots of amazing births documented. I would say it really focused on the spiritual aspects of birth. It was a bit intimidating to me because I kept thinking, I only have 5 weeks to get ready on an emotional level and feel like there is so much more work left to do!

I was also very moved by the section on circumcision which I didn't expect to see on the film. The film maker actually filmed a circumcision which just seemed so gruesome to me. There is some very detailed video on cesarian section which I also found to be quite disturbing.

It's so wonderful that these films are out there now. I just wish everyone could see them and see them at a very young age to counter what is available about birth in mainstream media.

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